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Music does not express any idea and gives birth to thousands”.

(“Alessandro Manzoni for Radio Classica” FM 99.4 in Florence)

Rospo Eco-6 is a digital system that produces sounds generated by moving images in real time. Eco= from greek: οίκος, oikos= environment; 6= is the number of areas that analyze the image and produce 6 different sounds.

Eco-6 is a tool able to enrich and refine the visual perception of space. This happens through a visual exercise of environmental analysis, in search of compositions and rithms that ever-changing reality continuously offer to the “inattentive” eye. This reality can be either spontaneous (e.g. an urban environment) or purposely designed (scenography/choreography).

The sound. Sound is created by the variety of physical changes in the shot pictures. These changes are shot by a camcorder and then circumscribed on video into 6 areas (each subdivided into 16 parts), able to track movements uniformity and translate it into 6 sounding signals with 6x16 different characteristics. Sound can be generated in two ways:

  • virtual oscillation
  • real time audio sampling
The sounding signals coming out can be managed by a midi sequencer(a tool that allows to create and reproduce sequences of control signals to command an electronic device) or directly sent by movements.

The picture. What is shown by Eco-6 is nothing else than moving reality, divided into 6x16 parts. When there are no physical changes no part of the picture is shown.

Technical specifications for an Eco-6 module:


  • -1 DV Camcorder + tripod
  • -1 microphone
  • -1 laptop
  • -1 projector
  • -1 audio mixer
  • -1 audio amplifier system


  • -vvvv
  • -plogue

Technical requests:

  • -1 projection surface of at least 3,2 x 2,4 meters
  • -good illumination in the areas to be shot. As an alternative, previously recorded videos (mini-DV tapes) can be used.
  • -possibly a projector


Eco-6 drumming & performances

instruments and virtual instruments played by body or camera movements

Eco-6 city play

looking for urban rhythm. This movie was taken at a crossroad, close to Arno river, in Florence. The city play performance shows urban landscapes played from the DV tape of the camcorder(city play). In the same way, the urban landscape can be represented in live mode as an urban installation(city shoot, soon online).

ROSPO systems

The main goal of ROSPO systems is to be the core of a bigger creation process in which the architect takes part as "data selector" and "audiovisual suggestions user". The machine produces audiovisual paintings according to a range of data to process that come from real world.
The name "rospo" comes from the italian noun for "toad". The behaviour of this machine is very similar to a toad: extremely sensitivity to movements coming from environment. Every kind of "reaction" of Rospo system will be due to the audiovisual trasformation of the environment.
It consists in a DV camera, to get audiovisual data from environment, a laptop to processing, and a projector to let perceive the augmented reality.

Rospo is not a scientific tool, it could become that, but the main purposal is to transport data from system to system. Rospo will always draw a fluid and dynamic representation, always in transformation, regardless of the place where it is, because the present is always in continuous transformation, even in a desert.
The purposal, in this case, is to induct the machine to build Spaces system from active Bodies system catched in real world. The audiovisual suggestions will give us an idea of an extremely organic space, that is the transformation in forms of human behaviours.

here is a DATA vs INDUCTION scheme.
CLICK to maximize the image

draft of a flexible installation: